
What is A-799?


A-799: A US Naval Aviation term meaning that it was a piece of equipment that was recieved bad from the aircraft but turned out to be fine. The part that the O-level technician sent into to be repaired had nothing wrong with it. There are several reasons for an O-level tech to send in something that is in good working order, Lazyness is one, poor maintencance skills, an unorganized work area and or storage area, there are many more than this. When the gear is reissued back into stock as A-799 then the O-level tech that sent it in as bad will get into trouble for wasteing the government's time and money.

Harris: "Hell I've already gotten 3 A-799 from HS-11 this week, I wonder whats going on over there?"

Cortes: "They must be training a bunch of new technicians."

Harris: "Yea that's probably it. I almost feel bad sending them back as an A-799"

Cortes: "Well how else are they going to learn?"

See us navy, y-code


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