What is A A?


Alcoholic Anonymous, an organization established to help people recover from alcoholism through 12 steps and spirituality.

A A is a program for people who cannot handle their drinking.

See bob, bill, blackout, lies, deceit


The most commonly used type of battery

Hey, You got two A A batteries for my torch? I think its ran out of power!

See battery, aa, batteries, cell, circuit


The bra size for women that don't need bras

-Look at the bee stings on her

-Yeah probably wears an A A

See small, tits, boobs


A massive, court mandated, religious organization. Used by the United States legal system to 'help' alcoholics, but really sentencing them to 12 steps of self-loathing and christian brain-washing.

"Bob got a D.U.I. and had to go to A A, now he's a sniveling douchebag."

See alcoholic, church, idiot, loser, thieves


Attracting Attention AA

You see someone walking the street in lime green dress and hot pink stillettos, you'll say, "Look at her. She's so A A"

See attention, wannabe, trying too hard


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