A Case Of The Biggs

What is A Case Of The Biggs?


the sudden need to exclaim loudly the words poodle ballin, pullin the blinds, skunkin, and have terrets episodes while rapping in a yellow vw bug!

other symptoms include yelling racist comments, bitch, ho, fuck-balls, bigga please, and sudden cramps drowsiness, and the shits

Stasia: hello there Chelsey, how are you this evening?

Chelsey: what up you whip crackin twinkie?

Stasia: are you feeling okay Chelsey, you look tired?

Chelsey: bigga please!! after a night full of poodle ballin, and watchin the peeps get skunked while doin a keg stand, i had to turn down an offer to have my blinds pulled, so shit yeah im tired! Fuck-balls, suck my left nut!

Stasia: sounds like A Case of the Biggs

Chelsey: hey you can kiss my black ass, where the hell is Chives we gotta roll out like Luda

See biggs, britney spears, chelsey, luda


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