What is A Legend In Thier Own Shower?


1. Some one who thinks they are the greatest at some thing (or everything) but they realy are dillusional and are not that great

2. Some one who believes they are a great singer, but they only sing in their shower because the shower walls are the only thing that will listen to them

3. Boy Bands

Girl: Brandon is trying to keep his " macho" reputation

Boy: Brandon is just a legend in his own shower

Brother 1: I am the best singer, you heard me in the shower

Brother 2: I plugged my ears. The walls of the shower listened. You are a legend in your own shower.

Teenie Bopper: I love N'sync

Reality Check: They should have stuck to to being A legend in thier own shower

See macho, singer, teenie bopper, boy bands


1. Some one who thinks they are the greatest at some thing (or everything) but they realy arents

2. Some one who believes they are a great singer, but they only sing in their shower because the shower walls are the only thing that will listen to them

3. Boy Bands


Girl: Brandon is trying to keep his " macho" reputation

Boy: Brandon is just a legend in his own shower

Brother 1: I am the best singer, you heard me in the shower

Brother 2: I plugged my ears. The walls of the shower listend. You are a legend in your own shower

Teenie Bopper: I love N'sync

Reality Check: They should have stuck to to being A legend in thier own shower

See macho, singer, teenie bopper, boy bands


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