
What is A.b.c?


african bum cleaner

dirty zooloos licking batty


Annoying Boner in Class

Matt had such a blatant A.B.C the other day

See annoying, boner, class, lol, funny


1. A instrumentally sound new age group from the 80's.

2. A song Performed By the Jackson 5

1. That album Absolutely A.B.C. was the shizznit!

2. Michael Jackson was off the chain when he sang A.B.C.


A.B.C. is ur ~ A$$ Ball Connection ~ u kno... that lil piece of skin between it all... the gootch? lol

"Dude, that !3!tch wuz freaky, she licked my a.b.c. when she went down on me..."

See a.b.c., gootch, ass, ball, connection


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