What is Abercrombie And Fitch?


Overpriced clothing, no different from any other cotton shirt or denim jeans. A company that is trying to sell a pathetic image while brainwashing teens into slapping down $60 bucks for a shirt. Is there some kind of "special material" or "quality" that these shirts have? No, foolhearted children, its just the big fat aberslobby logo that was crudely stamped on by the same malaysian sweatshop worker who made my shirts that I found for 7 bucks. If you think that you feel more comforable in some rags that scream "look at me, I'm rich and pay 60 bucks for a shirt" then you are quite a materialistic person. The store's always blast a thumpin' beat that disgraces any kind of music. They wouldn't want to play anything that would "turn away" any A&F mind jobs and their daddy's fat wallets. Notice all the people that shop there all fit the same type of mold. Rich, materialsitic, dumb, blonde girls, and rich, prep/fag, "popular" guys. I guess all of the money that A&F has been sapping from teens has been put into very good marketing, To bad it wasn't accutually going into making a better product, in to which it should be.

Clueless Blonde:"Hey girls lets go to abercrombie and fitch, my dad just gave me 450 dollars, I can get the 2 new shirts I wanted!"

Materialistic Friends:"Yay!"

A&F Employee/Male Model:"Hey ladies theres a sale on jean marked down to only 129.99!"

Fag1:"I need to go to A&F and spend lots of money"

Fag2:"What did you say?"

Fag1:"I need to go to A&F"

Fag2:"No you didn't, what was that last part?"

Fag1:"Like whateva, girlfriend, you be trippin'"


A retail line where if they suddenly decided that breathing wasn't cool, half the people in this world, especially the preps, would die.

Wow, that article on Abercrombie and Fitch is so cool..that anorexic girl is having unprotected sex on a snowy mountain while riding an elk!


Abercrombie and Fitch started out as a hunting, fishing, safari, camping,and outdoor store in New York City in the 1800's. It was originally Abercrombie, but eventually David Abercrombie partnered with a man named Ezra Fitch,a regular customer and lawyer, thus forming Abercrombie and Fitch. Over the years, Abercrombie and Fitch became one of the nations largest sporting goods suppliers, in fact, it even outfitted Charles Lindbergh for his historic flight across the Atlantic in 1927. In 1978, Abercrombie is bought by Oshman's sporting goods. In 1988 it was sold to another company,The Limited. By this time, it had become the Abercrombie that we know today, selling clothing. It became a dormant company for a few years and then was spun off from The Limited and became it's own company again, Abercrombie and Fitch. It made a come back and became popular nationwide. Today Abercrombie and Fitch owns several other clothing companies, Hollister Co.,Abercrombie(the kids version of Abercrombie and Fitch), and Ruehl 925, a small clothing store based in New York City's Greenwich village. It is slowly expanding into several other cities.

Today A&F has 363 Abercrombie and Fitch stores,176 Abercrombie stores,249 Hollister Co. stores, 4 Ruehl 925 stores, making a tottal of 792 tottal stores across 4 brands.

Soon it will be opening 3 more Ruehl 925 stores.

Cool Guy: I love A&F!

Hott Chick: I know, now let's make out! PAssionatly!


Brand of clothing that is popular among high school jocks, college frat kids and other unpretentious people.

Hipsters and emo fans hate it because the conformity and perceived airheaded-ness of Abercrombie shoppers reminds them of what they try to avoid becoming, but end up as anyway.

Abercrombie and Fitch is apart of a form of clothing style that is sucessful because it doesn't completely revolve around a music genre, thus causing all the scenekiddies to revile this type of clothing.

Abercrombie shoppers may not be the most original or stylish people in the world, but neither are you.

Note: I don't wear Abercrombie; I just find that bashing people's preference in clothing to be shallow and petty. Wear what you want.


a store that either people like or dont like. there is no middle ground on the matter. everyone says its over priced and it is, but what store in the mall isnt over priced. get real. gotta rake in the cash.

girl: these abercrombie jeans make my ass look totally sexy .... 70 dollars well spent!

See val


A place where people buy clothes, just like where all of the "original", "non-conformist", "different", people go. It is expensive...but if its not your money, why do you care so much? You say you want to be your own person...but you and i know there are a million people out there who say that, and hang out in groups together, listen to the same music, like the same things and clothes. You are discriminating against a group of people who spend alot of money on clothes...wow, just a little condescending if you ask me? If these people want to wear the clothes then let them, hating someone because they wear different clothes is just lame.

"non-conformist": "hey, look at those stupid preps, i don't think i've ever talked to that guy, but he looks DUMB, and he wears that GAY polo shirt, what a FAG."

"friend": "yea, i know, look at them all and their expensive clothes, i hate them because they wear them, why can't they be individuals like us...by the way, i like your black shirt and pants, they look just like mine."


This is not a defintion of Abercrombie & Fitch. This is a definition of people. I hate to be rude, but I truly pity those who have been writing these 5 paragraph A&F bashing sob stories that are truly pathetic. Again, I apologize. I would like you all to understand that there is absolutly no sense in trash talking a company you dipise. If Abercrombie & Fitch's style, marketing, crowds, and economical status really upset you as much as you claim, why must you waste your time comparing and reading the defintions that other haters post? I mean...what's the point? If you don't like it, there's a few things you could do. A) Not shop there. B) Ignore those who represent the brand. C) Not worry about it. Also, why must you cry over destroyed denim? It's fashionable, and some people are willing to pay the extra dollar to be in style with current fashions. From what i've read, these people must really not be your friends so why thrash on people you don't even know? Obviously very few of us are concered about you...so why must you be so concerned about A&F shoppers and adorers? It almost sounds to me as if you are jealous. We all have nicer clothes than you, are indulged into a nicer lifestyle than you, and enjoy shopping as a social and personal experience. As humans, we're all equal...unfortuantly some people really bite it in life, but you don't have to exclaim it and trash those who don't. I'm not saying A&F people are better than everyone else, I'm saying that we're comfortable with who we are enough to express it in a clothing brand that we all love; even if it costs us more than necessary money. If you don't, then don't. Stop wasting your time. Stop crying because mommy wouldn't buy you these nice clothes. Stop crying because you're not in shape enough to wear them. Stop crying because besides what all you say....you want to be like the popular kids. You want expensive clothes and nice music and a fat wallet...you wish you could have it all. Maybe it's time you realize something, sitting around complaining about a large, economically strong, high profitting company which sells fashionable, sexy clothes is really damn pathetic. Now, it's ironic that I'm here saying what I am because I'm posting onto this site, wasting my time, talking about A&F, but I saw this page and decided something needed to be said. I hate to be mean, I really really hate to be mean, but this is all the truth people. It's time to realize that. So please, there's no need to be jealous, there's no need to hate, just realize that if you truly, honestly, all in your heart hate the clothing and lifestyle brand Abercrombie & Fitch, it's time to just shut up and ignore it all. And maybe, have you even thought that maybe what you are doing is total pro-conformity? Is bashing A&F a popular thing to do? Are you buying into a trend? Maybe you are the real conformist. Think about it.

A&F Person: Why do you hate my favorite store?

Non-A&F Person: Because it's the cool thing to do.

See Phillip


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