Abercrombie "v"

What is Abercrombie "v"?


The ideal abdominal muscle status in which abs make V reaching the pubic area. A person's entire chest and lower abdomen must be shaved and their pants low cut as they stand shirtless. Standard issue for any self-respecting, shallow, arrogant ass who models for A&F.

ant: Member's Only "U"

I do a thousand crunches every day, my girlfriend/boyfriend is gorgeous, I have the Abercrombie "V", and people all want to be me! I am the shit.....whaaa... OH... personality? WHO NEEDS PERSONALITY?!... I will always have my looks to get me through life.


AKA- The Penis Lines or Penis Muscles

Britney Spears and PINK have the Abercrombe "V"- (I say Penis lines)...they must be guys.


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