
What is Abercrombied?


a verb which means having a memory tattooed at the back of your head, just like the abercrombie and fitch logo being tattooed at the back of their shirts.

Don't worry, the mnemonics are already abercrombied in my head.

See abercrombie, fitch, memory, verb, shirt


A verb used to describe the appearance of someone after they have completely altered their wardrobe to contain only articles from Abercrombie and Fitch.

Wtf? Is that Tessa?

Jesus, she's totally Abercrombied now.

See fitched, change, wardrobe


Splattered with paint, in the style popularised by clothing manufacturer/retailer Abercrombie & Fitch

"Your jeans are getting a little abercrombied."

See abercrombie, clothing, messy


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