
What is Aberforth?


Euphemism for goat fuck. In the Harry Potter books, Albus Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, was "prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat". In the later books he still has goats hanging around, and it is later revealed that his Patronus is a goat. We don't know what he was doing with the goats, but he has some special, inappropriate affinity for them. So we made a guess . . . and then substituted "Aberforth" for our more commonly-used goat fuck.

Man, the store was so crowded I couldn't even move--it was a total Aberforth.

Person 1: How was the party yesterday?

Person 2: Oh, there were so many people! It was totally Aberforthy.

See goat fuck, fubar, dumbledore, goat, chaotic


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