
What is Abtar?


the man whose daughter kicked kerpals dog

hello, is abtar there?... this is kerpal... KERPAL!

See lottie


a fucking hindu

ulla bulla gulla

See Agnes


An ugly feminin man. He is a mothé fock who play with penis. He also nasty look, very short, about 4 inch tall, smell like somalian shit, wear turban and talk foreign fock up language. He also like mate with monkeys.

1) Stop that you fucking Abtar.

2) Your modér look like Abtar.

3) That old fuck is trying to sexually abuse my dog. He live down the street from me and we call him "ugly modé fock" or "Abtar".


A midget bastard who slaps another person with weak hands and also speaks a foreign language to insult one.

You fucking bastard abtar.


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