
What is Aca?



adv. - aquí, acá, en este momento, en este caso, en esta instancia

int. - ven aquí!, aquí tienes!

adj. - aquí, acá

n. - este lugar, el presente, esta vida

Estoy aquí- I'm here

Eres acá- you are here

See acá


A prison in which inmates are treated horribly. The prison inmates have to wear green strait jackets and kakhi pants. The clothes constantly rip because they have been french toasted. They must go through a daily toture of Saw-dee, bash-rat, and did-mark. All tortures are beyond imagination and are painful just to simply think about.

The prison warden of ACA put her own son in the prison.

See slug


worst freaking Americas Army clan on earth. made up of sweaty 14 year old pricks with issues. all of them should get their damn website hacked and unusable, since those guys are wannabe mackdaddies

ACA i think stands for american canadian airlines, which means they could get into a heck of legal trouble with those dudes. anyways, the lcan should really learn to tolerate noobs


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