
What is A.c.e.s?


A.C.E.S stands for: Acute Celebrity Exhaustion Syndrome

When someone claims to be extremely exhausted after a long day of work or school. The person claiming to be extremely exhausted has no idea of their condition. A.C.E.S typically strikes celebrates, movie extras, or people that love to be the center of attention.

Jeff: Sorry, guys I can’t go out tonight. I just drove non-stop from New York to LA with pneumonia and have to rest up. I think I my have A.C.E.S

Steve: Yeah, me too I am so tired I just did 10 hours of extra work today. I am exhausted!

Jeff: Yes, Steve you have A.C.E.S we are all well aware of that a-hole.

See a.c.e.s, aces


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