
What is Acid?


acid n.

Acid is a ridiculously powerful drug. It's measured in micrograms (that's 10 to the negative 6, kids). A few hundred micrograms is enough for a fairly decent trip that'll last between 8-12 hours.

Guaranteed to blow your freakin' mind. I strongly suggest listening to the Grateful Dead while under the influence. It is not advisable to drive or operate heavy machinery while tripping. Going to work or attending class while zonked out of your gourd is also discouraged; the fact that your pupils will swallow your entire eye is a dead give away that you're on something.

I took a few doses of acid last night... and I'm still trippin' this morning =)


acid-The wonderful gateway in your pocket to a world that is yours for the creating, whether it be talking frogs, stary faces on apple trees that just wont blink and you're sure that they know your name or maybe just the good old headmash that convinces you that you ARE, in fact, a carrot.

A truly marvellous man made hallucinogen that could, one day, replace calpol.

mate, MATE, MAAAATE? Shhh. hello? acid? aah. i see,

i appear to have eaten something bigger than my head.

See tommo


Having a Ph of less that 7.0

I tripped on acid. A bottle of muriatic acid was left on the floor and I tripped over, that is.


The drug LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide.


slang for LSD, a hallucinogenic substance synthesized from Ergot, a fungus which grows on rye. There are no known adverse physical effects, however, it may cause psychological problems and/or flashbacks. It is commonly distributed in liquid form, geltabs, sugarcubes and blotter-paper.

We're going to trip tonight, my friend but a 10-strip of acid.

See Jeff


the gateway to transcendence and temporary enlightenment. chemical keys to the gates of heaven.

I wish my bathroom sink ran hot cold and acid.


A drug that can be really great, or really horrifying. Even experienced users can have a mind-frying bad trip that requires some time in a mental institution, and there is no rhyme or reason as to why this happens. Acid-heads like to brag about how many times they've taken the drug, but most of the time they are lying.

DooOO000d, me an a friend dropped acid last night and we got stopped by the pigs and got questioned for 10,000 years.


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