Adam Corolla

What is Adam Corolla?


A self proclaimed genius and literally a millionaire. Pioneer of such games as "Ace's Mexican Ranchero Accordion Countdown" and "Germany or Florida." Aliases include "Ace Rockolla" and "Chief Thunderbear."

Drew please. 8:29, 29 after 8. Chino checking in at 59, Fullerton 59 degrees, North Hollywood....59.

See Philippe


A self proclaimed genius and an actual millionaire

Adam from The Man Show or one of the hosts to LoveLine


co-host of the radio show loveline. Extremely funny, loves making fun of the callers, just a great comedic genius. pet peeves including junior college, Riverside, Van Nuys, Bakersfield, ranchero music....

"that's right, engineer Chris, still living with his mom. it's 10 minutes till the top of the hour, weather and traffic coming up. I'm beggin you, please drive through the red arrow!

See vinny



In 2005, the comedian Adam Carolla began a campaign on Lovelineto change " Marco Polo" to "Adam Carolla".

The Adam Corolla Game

person1: Adam

person2: Corolla

person1: Adam

person2: Corolla

person1: Adam

person2: Corolla



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