
What is Add/adhd?


Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder.

Yes, an actual disorder. There are several variations and it is often waved off as a "rumor made to sell Ritalin" by the ignorant, arrogant, or some frustratingly ludicrous combination thereof. As a teenage girl with a fairly severe case of this myself, I can honestly tell you that this is a real disorder with real consequences and real problems that have to do with brain activity.

Also, Ritalin is *not* the solution to everything, and from me that's saying something, since it did do a lot for me. However, Ritalin without family counseling, general tutoring and effort from all sides essentially does nothing. Besides, there's some bad side-effects as well; hell, the meds I'm on right now do wonders for my concentration but have made me twenty-two pounds underweight, as an example.

Girl's ADD is also different than Boy's ADD. Girl's ADD often goes unnoticed because of societal gender differences in early childhood. We're not as jumpy or wild physically, so people think we're just shy or typical daydreamers or even typical girls being girls. However, there really are myriad cases of girl's ADD which are undiagnosed.

Adult ADD is also not a myth. An overwhelming majority of people who "grew out" of ADD were really just misdiagnosed; it can be confusing, as ADD often accompanies LD's and other neurological/physiological/psychological disorders. Therefore, most Adult ADD is present, because a lot of people from the 70's and earlier were never diagnosed. ALternatively, it is part of America's insulting trend to blame everything on it.

In short, this is dispell rumors that ADD isn't real, and also to please request that those who are not knowledgeable AND those who don't have anything at all and are just bullshitting to get out of something respect those of us who do have ADD. America's generalizing has made a lot of us uneasy about our futures now that everything bad is wrongly blamed on it.

Furthermore, only 16% (!!) of the population actually has ADD, and some sources even say 6%.

So shut your ignorant mouths about us. Let us do the talking.

See Tova


ADD/ADHD is thought by many to be a legitimate psychological learning disorder. However, it was once also widely believed that the world was flat. The "disease" is often characterized by a short attention span, or what people used to consider lethargy/laziness/stupidity. Methylphenidate is often used as a treatment despite a lack of any proven defects with in the brain.

Society views the symptoms of ADD/ADHD as unconducive to productivity and naturally it labels them as a disease. Leading children to believe they have a psychological disorder from a young age and convincing them that their symptoms are unnatural perpetuates the idea that they have special needs. Just because you don't do well in school it doesn't mean you have some life changing disability.

"But wait, thats only for people who think they have ADD! I am part of the minuscule 16% of people that actually has it, you arrogant pig-whore! I'm special."

16% of 300 million, the population of the U.S. is still an absurdly large number. Even more absurd is the idea that because you don't like working hard in school like every other kid that you deserve extra attention.

Don't buy into the idea that falling short of societal expectations is a disease and consider people with real problems like people with Leprosy, HIV/AIDS, Restless Leg Syndrome, Pre-mature Balding, Spilled Milk, and Ebola. You want to hear about real problems? Talk to a midget, those guys are fucked up.

ADD kid: "Oh man, reading books is boring. Why hasn't my teacher taken my needs into consideration? I hate work."

Unbiased Scientist: "Well you brainless sheep, all you need is a punch in the throat and maybe to stop blaming your problems on made up diseases."

ADD kid: "What? I wasn't listening because I don't have to, I have ADD/ADHD"

Unbiased Scientist: "Go beat up some queers or whatever it is you youngsters do these days. You don't actually have any problems."

See add, adhd, midget, psychosis, lazy, hyper, special needs, ethnocentric, american


Adult Discipline (Honesty) Disorder. In most cases I've seen, this child is the result of parents who have no idea how to discipline or control their children. Therefore, all adult parenting faults may be overlooked by claiming the child has ADD/ADHD. That way no one will know they are bad parents. In every case I've seen, the parents are terrible and bringing up children. Also, the doctor that prescribed one of them his rittalin, told him that it was just like cocaine so he should remember to take it!

I can't control my child. He must have ADD.

Don't blame me for never hugging him. It's the ADHD.


made up disorder to get kids free drugs

Yo man i got ADD give me some ridilin

Living with ADHD is hard good thing i get free drugs to calm me down


A fake disorder made up by doctors and lazy parents, to give there kids drugs and make the settle down.

"My kid isn't hyper. They have ADD/ADHD."

See add, adhd, retarded, hyper, stupid


attention deficit ( hyperactive ) disorder is were the brain chemistry of a individual dosen't produce enough of chemical B(sorry dont know real name) to maintain chemical A(ditto). It is most oftenly found in males and normally shows up during puberty. Altho AD(H)D most likely is present before puberty many idividuals mark that off as kids being energetic like the majority of there age groups. One of the most visible sign of AD(H)D is poor grades and short attention span... hence the name. I was diegnosed with ADD last year but apperently began dealing with it 5 years ago. ADD and ADHD are not the same thing!!!!!!! ADHD is when you compulsivly twich,tap fingers, pat feet, and/or look like the energizer bunny as well as lack the attention span as the norm population.Finally Ridilin(i cant spell Shiz) it not always the answer!!! there are 3 diffent chimical inbalances that cause AD(H)D and ridilin only deals with 2 of dem. Ridilin dosen't work 4 me soo they jacked me up on Concerta and bam result(not really bam results more like long period of time, slow results)


"Hey Bob i got ADHD,look a rabbit,its raining,Blue 42... Blue 42...,what, Green, That cloud reminds me of , Good bye!"


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