
What is Addison?


Verb. Being amazingly Black. Usually they repthe Westsideall day.

Holy Shit that guy is sooo Addison! He even flashed a gang sign

See nigga, thug, og, pimp, african american


A real black man usually associated with gangs. Addisons have a number of friends but few actually like him because of him being loud and annoying

Damn that nigger was an Addison

See black, nigger, obama, addison, loud


The definition of pure pwnageness, otherwise known as teh_pwnerer, as they pwn n00bs, like michael for example.

Bob: Hey, did you see that guy who walked past, that was so addison!

Sally: yeah, did you see that micro? whew, that was so pwnage! Compared to gay michael

See awesome, pwnage, pwn, sweet, cool


A very rather amazingly blowjob. Is the best blowjob you will have in your life.

("Oh my god i just got the best Addison")

See addy, addie, adison


The male result of a Catholic priest having babies.

Addison came about as a result of a purely rubbish experience.

See addison, rubbish, anna, catholic, sin


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