
What is Adgrad?


An AdGrad is someone who graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in Advertising or Public Relations. Alumni can have either a BS, MA, or PhD. AdGrad is a sweet term because it rhymes, and it is useful.

AdGrad is a professional networking site created to connect current and former students, faculty, and staff of The University of Texas at Austin's Department of Advertising and Public Relations.

AdGrad is similar to other social networking sites, but with AdGrad, users are able to build professional relationships, upload a résumé, create a digital portfolio, and post new job opportunities. AdGrad is unique from other social networking sites because it is exclusive to alumni, students, faculty, and staff of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations.

It's pretty much the coolest name and site ever.

"Hey, have you checked out AdGrad?" - one AdGrad said to another.

"No. I have to make a profile so that I can get hired and keep in touch with people from college. Great idea!" - the other AdGrad said.


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