
What is Adhocd?


Attention Deficit Hyperactive Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ADHOCD) is a disorder in which you obsess over everything but don’t have the attention span to obsess about one thing at a time causing over-multi-tasking (OMT) which usually results in an insomnia driven killing spree (IDKS).

Bobby was cleaning his room when his brother Jimmy came in and started touching all his stuff which sent Bobby’s ADHOCD into overdrive. Now Bobby's parents have to burry Jimmy, their dog Buddy, buy the neighbor' a new cat and pay them $10,000,000 in damages. Not to mention the $75,000 a year for Bobby’s 24 hour a day supervision, psychiatric help, and medical care.

It's all your fault Jimmy!

See adhocd, add, adhd, crazy, psycho, mentally ill


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