
What is Advertisement?


a method by corporate fat cats to make people buy their products by intruding into just about every damn website motorway road and TV station to fuel their own personal greed

Hey, this can is dripping with water! BE THIRSTY!

Some celebrity eats ARSENIC BURGERS! you want to be like this CELEBRITY don't you

Wow! This supermodel likes HITTING HER HEAD AGAINST A WALL! Hmm, hitting your head against a wall may be linked to SUPERMODELS! Let's go try it! Huzzah!

Hey kids! Making your parents buy EXPENSIVE THINGS from EXPENSE CO. is COOL, because we say so! Now bug your parents into buying these things or EVERYONE WILL HATE YOU


A mixture of displayed images, text and sound that promotes the popularity of a product or company in which the advertisement advertises.

This definition brought to you by WIRE SCREEN DOORS.


A method of making a product known to further have corporate America (or other countries) tell you what to do, eat, wear.

I really like d'em Budweiser frog advertisements. Burp.


A thing thats on this site because the owner is too cheap to pay for the servers himself. He needs that money to get himself a cheap hooker.

Urban Dictionary's owner says "How could I affored an advertisement free site and 500 hookers a month? It's impossible."

See hooker, ad, advertisement, useless, ulgy, page, clutter, space, taker, urban, dictionary, owner, is, messed, up, in, the, head, big, time


When someone says they'll do something or says that they are something, but doesn't follow through on it.

Aw man, he's all advertisement. He says he's brave but he's just a big pussy.


paying a chick to go around and tell other chicks that u can put the motion in the ocean and sail it with a titanic

dude: i dunno how i'm ever gonna put the moves on anyone beyond high school

dude2: advertisement


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