
What is A:f6?


When you punch your keyboard then search youtube. Fat kid with A:f6 painted on his chest.

Originally said by Dane Cook on SNL.

"Just type in something random, A : F 6 Hit search. There is a fat 10 year old with A:f6 painted to his chest. He sings a song "A:F6 A:f6 A:F6 A:f6" You watch all 10 minutes of that crap. you don't know why, buy you have to watch the whole thing"





See dane, cook, snl, youtube, fat, kid


A stereo-typical youtube search as used in an example by Dane Cook in his SNL opening monolouge.

The irony in this is that there are now dozens of videos of half naked drunk men with a:f6 painted on their chests dancing and singing as a tribute to Dane Cook's random example of a youtube search. It's not so random anymore.

Just punch your keyboard in the youtube search engine and hit enter, searching for a:f6


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