Affirmative Action

What is Affirmative Action?


Getting into a job/college because you are not white.

Anyone who thinks affirmative action is not racist needs to pull their heads out of their asses and stop being a politically correct liberal moron.

See racist, bullshit, liberal, socialism, reverse racism


a system employed by certain colleges and offices, used to take opportunities away from qualified caucasians, disguised as a way of removing past discriminations.

A person with a lower GPA than me has more educational opportunities than me because of affirmative action.

Affirmative action is really just a load of bullshit.

See affirmative action, racism, politics


American Colleges' defense against Natural Selection.

"Damn, all these asians got rejected from Ivy Leagues, but that black guy got in? Affirmative Action at the max!"

"In every class, everyone will quickly find out who got in only because of Affirmative Action"

"A population has to meet certain conditions to be in Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium, once these conditions are met, evolution is not occuring: A Large Population Size, Random Mating, No Net Genetic Mutations, No Net Migrations, and No Natural Selection. No Natural Selection means no Evolution, and a population will never progress"

See racism, affirmative action, college, unfair, discrimination


the bullshit rule that states equal rights for all. basically some fucked up law that some black man put into rule that states that a black person is to have an equal shot at the same things as a white person. not matter if they are more qualified or not. every organozation, school, company, etc.. most follow this rule and must maintain a minimal amount of minoritites in their population.

I got accepeted to Harvard, but it was taken back because they had to maintain the affirmative action laws and i lost my place to some fucking black because someone of his color had to bitch. But if I did that, i'd be charged with hate crimes and be labeled a racist.

See naacp, equal rights, unfair, racism, screwed over


Political correctness in the form of institutionalized racism the liberals and socialists created to punish whites for the injustices blacks suffered during slavery, by giving unfair advantages to minorities in the name of “equality” “diversity”or “leveling the playing field.” An unconstitutional form of reverse discrimination that sets racial quotas, and labels a person’s credentials by race rather than merit. This should be an insult to black people, but it’s not because they want the unfair advantage to get a head. They don’t realize that affirmative action cheapens their achievements and assumes that no minority can get ahead on their own. The irony about affirmative action is that it uses reverse discrimination to compensate past discrimination. Let’s be honest, affirmative action originally had good intent by lawmakers, but has become grossly abused in America today like everything else. Colleges now use it, employers use it, banks use it, professional sports leagues use it to draft players, and even insurance companies use it. Heck, one of these days the hospital ERs will use it to admit patients. Because of AA, you can almost be rest assured that if/when you see a black, Hispanic or Asian person on a college campus it was probably a direct result of affirmative action.

Affirmative action is the epitome of political correctness gone ammock, but is a clever attempt for socialists and liberals to change the face of middle-class society.

See racism, quotas, bull crap, political correctness, krock1dk


The most ironic rule ever created. It was intended to remove racism, however instead just reversed it. Minorities have an automatic advantage in getting a job even if they are less qualified than a Caucasian for the sole reason of their race (hence racism).

Additionally, the rule implies that a minority would not be able to beat out a Caucasian in getting a job or admittance to a college under normal circumstances, ultimately insulting minorities further.

Me: I was the most qualified to get the job, but I didn't because I'm white.

Friend: Affirmative Action is so racist.

See affirmative, action, bull, shit, unfair


In America, Affirmative Action was a product of the Great Society policies of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was first codified into law under a series of Executive Orders (not approved by Congress, in other words), which stated that munitions manufacturers including private firms doing business with the federal government should "take affirmative action" in hiring minorities - at the time defined almost solely as African Americans.

As the Vietnam Wardragged on under President Richard Milhous Nixon, Affirmative Action became part of a wider government program to bribe inner city blacks to get with the program and support their government. Of course, Affirmative Action, welfare(started under FDR in the 1930s) and other government handouts did nothing to increase the love that black people had for the federal government.

By 1978 liberalactivism was under attack. President Jimmy Carter had expanded Johnson's liberal social programs to their ultimate extreme, and white, middle classAmericans began to look toward the Republican Partyand their rising star, Ronald Reagan, for new political direction. That same year, the Supreme Courtruled 5-4 against quotasfor the first time in the landmark California Board of Regents vs. Allan Bakke decision. However, Affirmative Action was far from dead and buried.

Today Affirmative Action remains rooted in American policy, although most Americans including many African-Americans find Affirmative Action outmoded for the much less racist atmosphere of the 21st Century.

Inexplicably Affirmative Action still exists, even after the election of Barack Obama.

Affirmative Action put that white guy with a college degree in the unemployment line, while that black guy who can't even write his own name got the promotion.

Asians and Jews are also targets of racism, but they get none of the benefits of Affirmative Action. It's punishment for their success, I assume.

Jesse "Affirmative Action" Jackson got Nike to loan him $600 million dollars after threatening a boycott. What an extortionist piece of shit he is.

See welfare, affirmative action, african americans, liberal, racism, archaic, unfair, moronic


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