
What is A.f.i?


Kickass rock group. They've released many cds, which are all awesome. Their most recent CD is "Sing the Sorrow."






absolutely the BEST FUCKING BAND EVER!!.davey havok the ultimate singer..his voice is soo unique snd jade puget very talented wif his guitar can play the softest and soothing melodies but can also play very powerful and emotional.hunter fantastic base player he forms the background of the song makin it worthwhile 2 listen 2.and adam carson drummer not much 2 say bout him but he iz AWSOME!! becuz hes in afi :D

AFI is the best band ever!!

See bob


AFI is a band. Which stands for A Fire Inside. They are a really great band. Although there music has changed throughout the years.

They are a rock band.


a fuckers band this band sucks nd it dosent desreve to even be a band

yo AFI is the shittest band or w.e the fuck they r ever. they suck the hairy cock


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