
What is Afs?


Abbrviation for always, forever and seriously.

I love you, afs!

I will be here for you afs.

See friend, friendship, support, fgd, always, forever, seriously


Alpha Female Syndrome; Being in a situation when you're hitting on a girl but her friend is an alpha female, thusly cockblocking you and stifling any chance you had of getting laid.

ex 1:

Guy 1: I was talking to Sara and it was going great, but Betty came along interrogated me, then made Sara and the rest of the girls at the party leave.

Guy 2: Dude, that's a shitty case of AFS

ex 2:

Guy: So hey, do you want to head back to my place?

Girl 1: Sure, sounds good

Girl 2: Hey guys, I think I remember you, do you remember my name?

Guy; Umm, I don't think we met but..

Girl 2; No? Hey Jenna, let's go home. we're leaving. now.

Guy: That bitch gave me a one-way ticket to blue balls. Fuckin' AFS

See alpha female, bitch, cunt, alpha slut, shit disturber


An acronym for the condition of Absent Father Syndrome which plagues and motivates many promiscuous adolescent females. A Young teenage female suffering from AFS will have sex with almost any guy to fill the void, her runaway, diseased or drunk father had created in her life. In their desperate attempt to find a masculine figure in their life, girls suffering AFS will at times appear slutty, desperate, pathetic and worst of all, date and and have sex with stupid ass hats. AFS victims usually themselves become depressed alcoholics, or frequent drug abusers.

Question: How the fuck did Pizza face Andy hook up with that really hot girl?

Answer: She has a bad case of AFS.

See slut, alcoholic, low self esteem, milf, dad, father, teenagers


Anything For a Story; the idea that males will do anything, no matter how asinine or gross just to tell it to his friends the next morning. Usually quite true. Nothing whips a pack of males into a frenzy quicker than hearing a compatriot’s hilarious tale of perverse debauchery.

"Guys operate under the Code of AFS"

See story


A sad exchange program for sad students who want to go to foriegn countries and bang foriegn girls then go back home and pretend they are cultured. Thanks AFS =)

When you go to a foriegn country with the sole purpose of getting laid non stop and experience new pink tacos.

See Horny


Asian fuck slutor asian fuck sluts

An attractive asian female who looks prommiscuous or acts promiscuously

Did you see all the AFS at the party.

I'm going to find an AFS tonight

See slut, ho, skank, fuck, cum dumpster


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