
What is Agglet?



A derivative of the word agg. Usually refers to a person who tries too hard to be "agg". Mainly consists of small children, under the age of 14, trying to get attention among the older paintball players. Agglets usually are not "agg" though, they make the word agg look bad, and disgrace the HK army and 1Up Kids. Agglets also usually say how "agg" they are and brag to people about HK gear they have. Agglets also tend to not have good playing style which is why they bring down the word agg.

"DOOD I Got my new Flex 8 with retro straps and 3 HK Headwraps and 14 HK stickers PICS UP TOMORROW!" - "Oh my God, you are such an agglet."

See agg, paintball, style, aglet


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