
What is Agnosticism?


The only true sign of intelligence you will encounter from another human being.

A theist, or believer in God, will tell you that he ABSOLUTELY exists. An atheist (non-believer) will say he ABSOLUTELY doesn't.

Well, the last time I checked, it's been like 2000 years since God was reported to have talked to anybody, making it pretty difficult to prove. Besides which, all religion is predicated on faith (See also: Not supposed to be proven).

Prove he doesn't exist? Possibly the only thing harder to do. Besides the enormity of the task, there's the fact that anyone who ever took a logic class knows and that is that you can't prove a negative. You can only prove (sometimes) that something hasn't happened YET. It may still the next time.

So... you have a theist, an atheist and an agnostic... None of them really knows the truth about the nature of existence.

But only the agnostic is smart enough to admit it.

Agnosticism says: I don't know if there's a God or not... and neither do you.

Sleep tight.

See religion, atheism, theism, christianity, jesus, buddy jesus, buddy christ, Madmann


The acceptance that you do not know the answers to certian impossible questions.

dude: What is the unified field theory?

Polythiest: GODS + GODDESSES DID IT!!!

Monotheist: GOD DID IT!!!

Atheist: IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!

Agnostic : I don't know.

See waffle


belief that one is unable to tell if god exists or does not exist. the refusal to decide while one is still living. not to be confused with atheism.

I don't know if god exists, and I can't know until I'm dead so don't bother me about it now.


The greatest set of 'beliefs' you can have. An Agnostic belives that there is no way of knowing if God exists or not. Unlike religious people, who are usually neither intelligent or open minded, or Atheists who are usually intelligent, but not usually open minded, an Agnostic is intelligent and open minded, smart enough not to be brain-washed into believing that there is a God who cannot be seen, but open minded to the idea that there may be one.

Most Christians will get very defensive if someone challenges that God exists, while some Atheists will treat every person who believes in God as if they are wrong, and there is no Gd and anyone who believes there is is stupid. Not all Atheists are like this, though.

A lot of Christians dislike Atheists and Agnostics because they have such a strong belief in God that they believe they know something for sure that no one can. What these people need to realise is that there is a very great gift that God, if there is one, gove will. He gave us a brain which can think for itself and believe what it wants to...why wash it with things that some book or preacher say and make yourself believe it's the truth?

Religious nut-God is real! I know so because some book said so!

Atheist's response-You're stupid. There is no God. Religion was created by man, everything in The Bible is a lie.

Agnostic's respose-You have know way of knowing that for sure. There may be a God, there may not, we will only know for sure when we die.

Atheist-There is no God.

Religious nut-There is too! The Bible says so! You will go to hell for saying there's no God!

Atheist-You're stupid, there is no God, religion is a myth and was created by man.

Agnostic-There could be a God. It's not dumb to believe there is a God, it's not bad to believe there isn't one. Agnosticism is the best way to go!

See christianity, religion, atheist, agnostic, open minded


One who doesn't know if god(s) exist. This includes strong agnostics, those who don't believe it's possible to know if god(s) exist, agnostic theists, those who believe in god(s), but aren't sure if they exist, and agnostic atheists (sometimes called weak atheists), those who lack belief in the existence of god(s) (note: excludes strong atheists, those who assert the non-existence of god(s)).

Person A: I'm an agnostic. I don't know if there are any gods, so I'm making no claims about their existence.

Person B: I'm an atheist and I hold this same view, as Person A's agnosticism doesn't assert the existence of any gods. In this case my atheism is the same as Person A's agnosticism, though if I was a strong atheist I would still be an atheist, but not an agnostic.

Person C: I'm an agnostic theist and I assert that a god exists, though I'm not entirely sure. My agnosticism is different from Person A's an Person B's as I assert the existence of at least one god.

Person D: I believe it's impossible to know if any gods exist, thus I am either theistic or atheistic in my views on the existence of god as a theist could believe it to be impossible to know if god(s) exist, just as an atheist could assert it's impossible to know if god(s) exist.

See agnosticism, atheism, theism, god, deity, gods, deities


Agnosticism is to base your philosophy of life on doubt. It is to live your entire life in doubt of everything you see.

Agnosticism is doubt as a philosophy of life is like having immobility as your mode of transportation

See doubt, religion, life, truth


Atheism for pussies.

"I don't believe in God, but don't want to be persecuted for being an atheist. I know! I'll practice agnosticism!!

See agnostic, agnosticism, atheist, pussy, atheism


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