
What is Aids?


A very dangerous disease that currently can't be cured. It will destroy your immune system until even a cold can kill you.

Contrary to what most of these homophobic twelve-year-olds added as the definition, AIDS can be aquired through any form of sex with a carrier. In fact, you don't even have to have sex. Just sharing blood or drinking breastmilk (This applies to everyone, not just babies) can give you AIDS.

Homophobic Middle Schoolers should learn a little bit more about AIDS before they add some retarded definition to Urban Dictionary.

See Black Angel


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, caused by the retrovirus HIV. Transmitted by exposure to contaminated body fluids, such as blood and semen.

That woman has AIDS.


Anally Injected Death Sentence.

A rather cruel parody of Aquired Immune Difficiency Syndrome.

"AIDS is a terrible disease to make fun of."

See aids, ids, aides


Okay, everyone else just defined what AIDS is, so I won't bother. Instead, I'll take this time to debunk the ignorant rumors about AIDS.

Okay, first of all, you can't get AIDS from touching any one's blood. You only get it from having the blood of someone infected with AIDS enter your system somehow. The same is true for semen and breast milk.

I know it sounds retarded, but there actually are people who don't know this, like AIDS just magically generates when blood touches the air or something, like this one time when I was fifteen and I broke this kid's nose in a fight that he and his friends instigated and he wiped his blood on me and said, "I hope you gets AIDS." True story, the kid was a fucking dumbass.

Second, AIDS was not invented by the government for "population control," you fucking clod, and no, they aren't keeping a secret cure from the public. Just because they said it on Chappelle's Show, that doesn't make it true.

The most widely accepted theory of the origin of AIDS is that somebody fucked an ape or a monkey, then spread it to other humans. This may sound weird to you, but trust me, bestiality is far more common than you can possibly imagine.

Third, AIDS does not only infect gay men. Straight people, man or woman, can get it too, through any kind of sex, not just anal. It can be transmitted through oral sex, vaginal sex, or any other kind of sex. And just because you don't cum, that doesn't mean your safe.

You cannot get AIDS from a toilet seat.

You cannot gets AIDS from sharing food with someone.

You cannot get AIDS from skin contact.

You cannot get AIDS from having someone sneeze or cough on you.

You cannot get AIDS from mosquitoes.

You cannot get AIDS from urine or saliva.

You get AIDS primarily from fucking infected people. This doesn't mean that you will get AIDS from fucking just anyone; only from infected people.

Prostitutes are likely to have AIDS, regardless of gender, and if you fuck one, you're taking a serious risk.

There are no cures for AIDS, and there are no vaccinations for AIDS, secret or otherwise. Once you get it, you're fucked. No one is immune to AIDS, straight or gay, man or woman.

In most of the Western World, you are extremely unlikely to get AIDS unless you are A) completely fucking retarded, or B) raped.

When you get AIDS from being to stupid to know what causes it and what doesn't, I'll fucking laugh.

See aids, acquired, immune, deficiency, syndrome, gay, retard, rape, dumbass, ignorant, africa, monkey, ape, bestiality, zoophile, stupid, Fuck Shit Piss


Aquired Immmune Deficiency Syndrome - late stage progression of HIV infection. Transmissable through bodily fluid exchange or blood to blood contact. Least concentration in bodily excretory products, low concentration in saliva (and one's own saliva may provide some protection) in vaginal secretions (though still present) highest concentration in semen. Crosses across gender, age and socio-econimic boundaries, though usually more quickly progressing the lower down the ladder the sufferer is, due to lack of access to medical care. On the rise in the 15-24 demographic in the United States. Easily avoidable, but thankfully more and more (in the United States) becoming a "chronic" disease like herpes due to the availability of more and better retro-viral therapies.

The comic Elaine Boosler has said "Wouldn't it be great if you could only get AIDS by giving money to television preachers?"


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

a very serious STD caused by the retrovirus HIV. it can be transmitted by semen, breastmilk, blood and vaginal fluid. u cannot get it from huggin or kissin or shakin hands. AIDS eventually kills of ur white blood cells and when they go, ur immune system goes. technically, AIDS doesnt kill u. its the sickness u get when ur immune system is destroyed (like the cold or the flu. in the 80s and early 90s when the disease was first discovered (i think), ppl thought is was only transmitted through homosexuals and that it was a curse on them. its not though. it can be transmitted to homos, straight ppl and even lil babies...

although new medicine and technology help expand the life span for AIDS patients, there is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.

i still have hope that man will find the cure for AIDS and all of these diseases. in the meantime, u shouldnt discriminate against ppl who have it. its hard enough for them as it is so lay off!


The fucking you get from the fucking you got.

Having unprotected sex with an hiv or aids carrier


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