
What is A.i.d.s?


Alcohol Induced Drippy Shits. The diarrheal fecal matter that is produced from intense alcohol consumption the night before.

Dude I had the worst A.I.D.S. this morning my ass hurts, I shouldn't have drank so much last night.

I had such a bad case of A.I.D.S. my anus started bleeding.

See defecate, duce, poop, dung, poo


acronym for Anally Injected Death Sentence

Headline: Ivan Milat was yesterday handed down an A.I.D.S for his backpacker murders

See acronym, aids, death, sentence, ivan, oxford, st


A-Rod Indeed Does Suck

A.I.D.S speaks for itself. Statistics are like bikins they show you alot but don't show you everything. If you can't hit in the clutch then you suck!

See a-rod, arod, yankees, aids, new york


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