Al Sharpton

What is Al Sharpton?


Another black racist pig that hides behind the term "Rev"! Shamefully calls himself a man of God but ignores what the "good" book says about lust, adultery, cursing, that a man must work in order to eat, etc...

A classic looter! Ayn Rand warned us about these types of people in Atlas Shrugged!

A socialist who is anti-capitalist and anti-american!

The only difference between David Duke and Al Sharpton is that one is accepted with open arms and the other scorned!

The "Rev" Al Sharpton will not say a thing about the social cancer known as Hip Hop but he poor-mouths about the dirty white devils.

Has the good Rev ever said anything about sin? Does he preach the true gospel or a social feel good gospel of black supremacy?

When is the last time Al boycotted the Hip Hop industry and BET?


1) Noun. A race-baiting, camera-chasing buffoon who builds a base of political support by first dividing and then galvanizing people by their racial identities.

2) Verb. The act of defining any event, even if trivial, as racially significant and biased against black people.

3) Adj. Adding a racial discrimination aspect to any person, place or event.

1) "Just because you didn't get that job doesn't mean it was racial discrimination. Don't be an Al Sharpton."

2) "That white lady just stepped on your foot by accident, bro, don't Al Sharpton everything that happens to you."

3) "We just wanted to discuss issues in the black community, but he's Al Sharptoning this discussion by making everything about white racism and black victimhood."

See racism, race card, jesse jackson


Obese black leader famous for supporting Tawana Brawley who claimed she was raped by police in the late 80's but was found to have lied. Sharpton claimed at one point to have a witness and other evidence but continually failed to produce any. Consequently, world opinion has concluded that he is simply a FAT NIGGER.

Al Sharpton: make that a 20-piece please. Yes I would like fries with that!

See nigger, racist


Another racist asshole who has his head shoved so far up his ass he doesn't even know what real racism is.

Al Sharpton is a joke and the world would be better off without him.

See racism, rev, black, white, race


If you are black, Al is the person you should go to if you got beaten by the police.

Some guy: Hello, Reverend Al Sharpton. Just a week ago I got beaten by the police and they weren't black.

Sharpton: Damn crackers I can't turn a metaphorical corner without seeing a brother gettin' beat by some fat-ass-Elvis-impersonater cracker.

Racism continues!

See RP


A fat fucking pig blactivist who got Don Imus fired, a man who selflessly donates to charties and hospitals. He is also commonly known for his double standards and bad hair.

According to Al Sharpton, black people can mock white people freely, but white people should be exterminated.

See fat, nigger, blactivist, clay, black


Supports racial tension and is afraid of the Opie and Anthony show because he knows he will be put in his place. He'd rather go after the livelyhood of an old white man rather than a gangsta rapper. He does not represent the black race correctly.

Al Sharpton is a hypocrite who does not respect the first amendment.

See hypocrite, racist, scared


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