
What is Albuquerque?


not a wasteland, not full of teepees, but rather a city in the center of new mexico; most residents spend their whole childhood wanting to get out of here, but the minute they leave they all want to go back; residents of this city understand that they do not sell newspapers at the newstand and you cant go skating at the ice house, only know directions because of the mountains and volcanos, know where to get a breakfast burrito at 2 in the morning, know what "Christmas" at a restaurant means, understand that there is probably the largest wealth gap in the world here, and think that anyone who lives in rio rancho has problems

Albuquerque is home to the UNM Lobos


the coolest place in NM


See 505, burque, a-town


(AL-bah-KIRK-ee), from the Latin: Absconditus : meaning hidden, concealed.

Located perfectly in the middle of the surface of the planet, Albuquerque has been refered to as the Shangri La of the western hemisphere. Visitors to the Duke City are astonished to discover that it is in the continental United States and no passport is required. It's residents are ferociously kind and loving, and have developed more that 500 different ways to cook green chili. After the world wide destruction of 2012, Albuquerque was elected capitol city of the new world. A jewel of the desert.

Duke City, Shangri La, 2012, green chili, Albuquerque

See thunderbirds


about the same beautiful but much cheaper than its touristic neighbour santa fe. has rather village than city culture despite of its population of 550 thousands. mostly too hot during day and too cold on night.

if you don't like weather in albuquerque, wait 5 minutes

See new mexico, southwest, green chile


the largest city in the fifth largest state in the union. cut by a river sadly named "Rio Grande" and enclosed the east by a large 10,000 foot mountain range penned "Sandia" or watermelon mountains. containing a large hispanic and native american navajo population.

also known as "The Burque" or "La Mierda" which is spanish for "the excrement"

get the f@#$ out of La Mierda as soon as possibly man


Albuquerque is the biggest city in New Mexico. Albuquerque is commonly refered to as Burque. It has probably one of the biggest economic gaps in the country. Most of the city is gang controled and the rest is gated communities. There is mostly just stupid hicks, retarded cholos, and psychotic indians in the valley, and rich boys from cali who live in forts in the foothills. Basically a smaller, shittier, version of LA with more methand less coke. Burque has mountians to the east, mesa to the west, and a weak ass excuse for a river running through the middle. It has both the ignorance and stupidity of a small town and the violence, drugs, and racial tension of a big city.

Places in Albuquerque like Central and the South Valley are to be avioded if you are white and places like the foothills and Rio Rancho are to be avioded if you are anything other than white. A mexican or indian in Rio Rancho will be arrested or shot, and a white person in the South Valley or on central will be shot, mugged, and/or raped (unless said white person is trying to score some meth then they'll just be mugged and raped.).

See albuquerque, burque, 505, meth, shithole, indian


(Spanish) adjective; brown and dirty.

noun; a place where drug use, crime, corrupt politics, "latin legislature", atrocious schools, and the most unsafe and inconsiderate drivers converge to live where the weather is nice, everything is dirty and dusty, and state pride is that of any other border town in Mexico; a dump.

Death Valley or any other ridiculous desert landscape looks just like Albuquerque.

See albuquerque, new mexico, crime, drivers, dump


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