What is Alcoholocaust?
The aftermath of a drinking party, usually resulting in every available horizontal surface being covered in empty booze containers, spilled beverages, and a general sticky alcoholic residue.
You guys better stay around to help clean up the alcoholocaust you started last night.
What occurs at a drinking party when everyone drinks so fucking much that they all pass out and fall on the floor and/or on top of each other.
Last night's Roman orgy of a slumber party ended when everybody(guy and girl, clothed and naked) passed out on top of each other in a mass alcoholocaust.
Then the next morning when I woke up and while everybody was getting dressed and leaving, I found out that my face got all bloody when one of the
cheese hog bitches fell on top of my face, breaking my nose!
noun. a period in time when alcohol was shunned.
"Did you go Baptist Betty's party last Friday? Man, it was really the alcholocaust!"