
What is Allah?


The classic Arabic word for God.

Also, in the original Christian Bibles, God is referred to as Allah. In old Hebrew, the word 'Elohim' refers to God (holding similarity to the Arabic word 'Allahum' meaning 'God is'.

No, you ignorant fuckhead, Allah is not exclusive to Islam. Allah is supposed to be the same god as in Judiasm and Christianity.

See Hassan


The one God, not a god, not exclusively Islamic, as the definition above fallaciously claims. Allah is the only God, the god of all three Abrahamic faiths. "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God".

I pray to Allah in my time of need


The Arabic word for God. Used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslim and Jewish Arabs. Not exclusive to any religion in the same way that the English word "God" is not exclusively used by any religion.

The first sentence of the bible, Genesis 1:1 "First God made heaven & earth". In the Arabic bible the same thing is mentioned with God replaced by its Arabic translation, Allah.


The Arabic word for God. He is the same god that Christians and Jews worship. Saying Muslims worship a different god named "Allah" is like saying Spanish-speaking people worship a different god named "Dios", or that Germans worship a different god named "Gott".

In the beginning, Allah created the Heavens and the Earth.



1. God according to the Islamic religion.

2. A "war cry" for Muslim Terrorists.


3. To bomb a person, or a group of people, killing yourself and all the around you.


Muslim: All hail Allah!!!

Person: K



Person: Go blow up some Jews you dirty towel head.


Person1: Did you hear about how that dirty Muslim terrorist Allahed the temple yesterday?

Person2: Yeah that stupid Muslim thinks he will go to heaven and receive some virgins for doing stupid shit like that.

See muslim, god, allah, bomb


In The name of Allah,

Quran proves - "Allah" is NOT a 'moon god':

"And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down (prostrate) to the sun nor to the moon, but only bow down (prostrate) to "Allah" Who created them, if you (really) worship Him." Quran 41:37

The Christian acquaintance who sent me a copy of Morey's booklet also sent me five questions related to this subject. I will attempt to answer them below:

Question 1:

What is the significance of the crescent moon in Islam?


The Qur'ân answers this question before you asked it. Read this verse:

They ask you about the new moons. Say: These are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and for the pilgrimage (Qur'ân 2:189).

Question 2:

Why does Islam follow a lunar calendar?


In both the Bible and the Qur'ân religious festivals are regulated by the lunar calendar. Jews and Muslims have kept to these regulations which they believe to be from God. Why does Christianity follow a solar calendar?

Question 3:

Why is the feast of Ramadan marked by the appearance of the crescent moon?


I think you mean the fast of Ramadan. God commanded Muslims in the Qur'ân to fast from dawn to sunset during the month called Ramadan (see Qur'ân 2:185, 187). The beginning and end of the month is determined by the crescent (2:189) based on the instruction of God's Messenger, on whom be peace.

Why this method and not another is not for us to say but for God and His Messenger to prescribe. However, I find it an efficient method. It is a universally applicable method, and it allows for Ramadan to move through all the seasons. This allows believers to have the pleasure of worshipping God by fasting in all the various seasons: one year in the summer, some years later in the winter.

Question 4:

Why does the Quran place the Sabeans on the same level with Jews and Christians when scholars have clearly proven that the Sabeans were involved in the moon cult?


I am not aware that the Qur'ân has placed the Sabeans on the same level with Jews and Christians. Perhaps you have in mind the following verse:

Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians and Sabians, whoever believes in "Allah" and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Qurpan 2:62; also 5:69).

This verse, however, does not place the Sabeans on the same level as the Jews and Christians except in a particular context. The verse speaks of four distinct communities, and offers all four the opportunity to fear not nor grieve if only they would believe in "Allah" and the Last Day and do right. The four communities are:

(a) the Believers (i.e., the Muslims)

(b) the Jews

(c) the Christians and

(d) the Sabeans.

While they are all offered the same opportunity for improvement, nothing, is said in this verse about the validity of the existing faiths of these four communities. Otherwise the Jews and Christians who are criticized in the Qur'ân for their deviations will not be placed on the same level with the believers. The matter becomes clear when you realise that believers here does not mean saved persons but those who ostensibly belong to the community of Muslims. They, as well as the other three groups, must do the following to be saved: believe in "Allah" , believe in the Last Day, and do right. Doing right, according to the Qur'ân, includes following every teaching of Muhammad.

Questions 5:

Did the Meccans worship the true God since they recognized "Allah" ? Was "Allah" one of the gods of the Ka'bah? And if so, where did the Meccans derive the recognition and the name of "Allah" from?


First, "Allah" was not one of the 360 idols which were in the Ka'abah, although Morey has claimed this without evidence. When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) entered Meccah victorious he went into the Ka'abah and broke the idols therein.

Second, the word "Allah" has been used all along for the name of "God" in the Arabic Bible for Jews and Christians alike. The proof is easy to verify; simple go to any hotel or motel on the earth and look in the drawer next to the bed and take out the complimentary Bible, placed there by the Giddeons and then look on page 5 or 6 where they list the examples of translations they have made into other languages. The second example given is for Arabic speakers. The verse is from the Gospel of John, chapter 3, verse 16. Everyone knows this one; "For God so loved the world..." and the word in Arabic for "God" is "Allah." Then if you have a Bible in Arabic, look on page one in Genesis, and you will find the word "Allah" fourteen times.

Next, the word for "God" to the Arabs, ever since the time of Abraham, peace be upon him, has been "Allah" and He is to them, the Lord of the Ka'bah (the black box in the center of the Holy Sanctuary in Makkah). He was the unseen God whom they would call upon when in distress. Yes, they worshipped the true God but their worship was not purely for Him. They also worshipped other gods thinking that they would act as intermediaries between them and the true God Allah.

The Arabs know of Allah because Abraham visited Meccah and together with his son Ishmael laid the foundation of the Ka'abah. The descendants of Ishmael retained some of the worship rites and beliefs from Abraham. This included their knowledge of the true God Allah.

Elsewhere we have shown conclusively that the true god, "El" of the Bible is the same as "Allah" of the Quran.

Christian:-Hey!!..Allah is moon God, Isn't?

Muslim:-In the Name of Allah, He is not a moon God..In al-Quran, Allah has said that He the One who created this universe..The earth, the moon, the sun and everything that we see or don't.. I must learn Islam deeply so that, i can lives with Muslim closely..and if my heart open, I must convert to Islam..


See muhammad, muslim, jews, christians, yahweh


'The mighty god who (according to the muslims) Created all the universe. Maybe you've been wondering about suicide bombers. Yes they shout "Allah akbah!!!" before they blow up. They saying something like; "i am willing to die for Allah" crazy huh?

"Allah is like a father to us all"


to the person who stated this, Allah-o-Akbar actually means "god is great".

And those extremists are not true Muslims. They think they are but they actually distort the concept of Islam to suit their own selfish reasons. Mullahs, or extremists, hate non-muslims, and therefore try to use Islam as an excuse for violence. Islam actually means "Peace", or "Submission to Allah", and is a religon of tolerance.

'If Allah is the creator of all... then why does he create bombs that fall on our houses?'

Incase this genius hasn't noticed,MAN invented bombs and other weopans of torture. Allah created life, the universe, and all the creatures that inhabit this world and maybe other worlds. He created heaven and hell, angels and jinns. And if you believe this philosophy, it could also be said that any other monotheistic religon such as Christianity and Judaism could ALSO be blamed for bombs. But they aren't. Because for one it isn't true. And secondly they don't face the same severe stereotypes and racism.


"In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful". A phrase used in a number of contexts by Muslims. It is recited several times as part of Muslim daily prayers, and it is usually the first phrase in the preamble of the constitutions of Islamic countries.


Both a greeting and a word of leave meaning "May Allah protect you" used by Muslims. Just like people say hi/bye.

See islam, muslim, god, monotheistic, muhammad


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