
What is Alphacyberpal?


A combination of the words alpha cyber and pal.

The most prominent & dominant person to leave messages or comments on a site for social networking such as facebook or myspace, within a recent time period, so as to create the illusion of a special bond or connection greater or above the other 'friends' on the same said page.

While this can be seen as an act of desperation or insecurity, it can also be seen as 'marking territory' to ward off other would-be suitors or potential relationships that go farther than the 'just friends' status.

I used to think there was a possible real life relationship with that totally hot russian girl I met on myspace, but then some lameass alphacyberpal of hers left about 15 'hi baby' and 'miss you xoxo' comments in a row and she deleted one of my comments! WTF!?

See textual relationship, alpha, male, female


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