
What is Alright!?


1.Originally coming from Family Guy's Glen Quagmire, this word is used to show that one is sexually exited.

2.When you see some one that you think is sexy, you might say alright!

(attractive woman walks into room)


See giggidy, hot, hawtt, sexy, horny, Mickey D


1. used to indicate a positive occurrence

2. used to enhance the word "okay"

3. another form of "okay"

person 1: "okay..."

person 2: "alright!"


Exclam. Hello. A greeting. No answer is expected to what is inherently a question. Northern dialect has created the phonetic corruption awreet.

"Alright there Bob!"


Can be used if mocking an excited American child.

Mom: Oh jamie, Daddy is coming back from New York!

Jamie: For my Birthday, alright!

See excited, american, child, birthday, yay


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