What is Alt+qq?
Using in online gaming, specifically Warcraft III in one of two ways.
1. A way of tricking a
2. A term meant to insult or demean a
1. "Takes place in Warcraft III game"
Gosuplayer: I
pwn you… I have so much gold I will never run out!
OMFG I knew you hack!
ROFL … yesn00b I hacklol
N00bplayer: I report you for resource hack
LOL ZZZZZ – Alt qq for free gold
N00bplayer has left the game
Gosuplayer is victorious
2. "Takes place in a Warcraft III chat room"
Player 1: WOW I
pwnd you hard
Player 2:
stfu you go lucky
Player 1:
lol stupidn00b
Player 2: Hack more you hacker jew
Player 1:
LMFAO !! Don’t cryn00b
Player 1:
gfg fegit - Alt qq life now plz
Player 3:
ROFL Thatnoob just gopwnd hard