
What is Alyson?


Someone (female) who is amazing/exciting in the bedroom.

A girl who appears sweet and naive at first but turns out to be very sexy.

A girl who can take you by surprise at any given moment.

Geoff: So how did it go with that girl last night?

Dave: Well the night started out kinda boring at first but then she turned out to be a real alyson!

Geoff: Score!

See bedroom, steamy, hot, sexy



A girl with brains, booty, loves a cold beer and a nice set of balls. She can usually out drink any man in the room. After a few you can find her in the bedroom with an un-named guy and find him missing in the morning.


An object you can use to beat-off into. AKA Vagina

Dude I totally made that girl an Alyson last night

See brains, booty, balls, drink, bedroom



one who uses their lack of intelligence for their benifit.

boss: hey, can you file this for me?

jack: i don't know how.

boss: alright you take a break, and get steve to do it.

jack: file this.

steve: you bitch. you pull an alyson and i get stuck with the fucking work.

See baller, pimp, playa, ghetto, pimpette


hypochondriac, one who fakes physical injury in order to avoid the tasks that everyone else around her is doing.

don't be such an alyson, just do it.

See hypochondriac, faker, liar, cheat, annoying


A girl who performs sexual favors (such as hand jobs, blow jobs, anal sex, double penetrations, etc.); A girl who sleeps around.

You know that girl Alyson? That bitch is a cum guzzler!

That ho is an Alyson, I bet.

See slut, whore, ho, ho-bag, cock gobbler


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