
What is Al-zarqawi?


a middle eastern terrorist leader that got bombed by the US and died on June 7th, 2006

now that the US pwned Al-zarqawi we are one step closer to osama

See terrorist, muslim, hijack, osama, jihad


An extremist muslim terrorist belonging to al-Qaida. He was a despicable excuse for a human being who held Americans hostage and cut off their heads and led a mission to kill Americans in Iraq.

The United States military killed him in 2006 and continue to kill other al-Qaida members like him everyday in the War in Iraq. Unfortunately, the Democrats conveniently overlook this fact when advocating we pull out of Iraq.

Person 1: "Hey remember al-Zarqawi?"

Person 2: "al who?"

Person 1: "Um, the terrorist that cut off people's heads and led the al-Qaida mission to kill Americans in Iraq?"

Person 2: "Oh yeah"

Person 1: "Yeah, we killed him in 2006 and we continue to kill terrorists like him all the time in the War in Iraq

Person 2: "Gee, maybe we should stay in Iraq and continue to kill these bad guys before they come and attack innocent American civilians like they did on 9/11"

Person 1: "Exactly"

See terrorist, 9/11, iraq, extremist, osama bin laden, acb


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