What is Amazibeautiperfectagirl?



A very rare adjective. It's only use it to specifically describe one girl, and is never used to describe anyone else that has ever lived. The name of this girl is Alicia.

This word is an extended acronym for:

The most Amazingly desireable... incredibly Beautiful... most absolutly Perfect girl that has ever existed.

Its extended meaning is to include the deepest devotion possible and highest pinnacle of love for this girl.

Other adjectives that are often used in conjunction with this word are:

lovely, intelligent, sexy, princess, erotic, stupendous, incredible, passionate, companion, friend, lover, goddess, funny, super, and Puertoyorkan.

"With all of his heart and soul, Elliot knows that Alicia is the AmaziBeautiPerfectaGirl"

See hot, keeper, soulmate


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