
What is Amd?


AMD, short for advanced micro devices.

Creators of the lines of Duron and Athlon processors. Designed with IPC in mind, substituting clockspeed for performance. In lateral terms, the ratio beween clock speed and performance is rather amazing on an Athlon CPU.

- AMD is also known to make flash memory products.

AMD processors work on the concept of slow processor clock, but high performance. a heart that beats slower is better than one that beats faster because the slower heart pumps more blood each beat and does not tire tiself.


By far the best cpu on the planet. It benchmarks better than the Intel P4 and is about 200 dollars cheaper. Plus they dont have to make lame ass comercials to sell their product.

amd beats the shit out of pentium

See Bam


AMD is intel's competitor and makes x86 cpu's.

Their K7 cpu's (athlon, (pentium 3 killer), duron (celeron killer), athlon XP (p4 killer, 'cept for the 3200+), and athlon MP (xeon killer)) and their new chips, the K8 cpu's (the superfast AMD Athlon FX (P4 HT emergency edition killer), athlon64 (was more lethal to the p4 than the athlon XP), and opteron (itanium killer))

the reason that these chips can smoke equivalently-clocked p4's is becuase of the chip's very efficient architecture. the athlonxp uses a pipeline only about half as deep as the p4, making it more efficient because instructions do not take as long to be processed. K8 chips have a slightly deeper pipeline than the K7's.

"i got an amd chip 'cause i didnt want to go hungry for a year 'cause p4's are so friggin expensive"

"p4's are overpriced... imma grab an athlonxp... same performance if not better for half the price"



The best architexually designed CPU's. Ever.

20-50% more effiecnt at the SAME clock speeds as that of the latest Intel P4 CPUS

"you have an AMD ?? WOW! your so cool !"

See Spamz0r


Holy Shit, AMD64FX kicked P4's ass. Who woulda thunk it.

I would buy a P4 but I don't want a slow computer, I better go with AMD 64 bit proc.

See Rob


an alternative to Intel

Sif start cpu wars N00B's

See Ghost in the Shell


small memory chip manufacturer of the 70's untill ibm confronted intel, ibm needed a second producer for intels 8088 chip used in ibms new personal computer intels choice was amd in a contract 82 to 92-ish intel was suposed to share with amd amd info on cpus. amd didnt have to share back .. thus resulting in law suits over annything from a number 386,{amd's 386 was better then intels and cheeper} and 486 to a p rating of their amd k-5 .. 3 times in history intel screwed itself . 1 by saying to zylog build that cpu .. 2 saying amd build ibms cpu .. 3 by laughing at nexgen ,amd bought nexgen and crunched the nx686 the pentium pro killer down so far to pin it the same as intels socket 7.

nx686=k6 = p_II sucks . blah blah blah


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