What is An American Engineer In Venice?


The subject of much web-forum speculation, *An American Engineer in Venice* is a possibly apocryphal 1970s pornographic film starring a shockingly hairless (and, surprisingly, adult) actor billed as the Little Plumber Boy. In internet forums, the title is often proposed as an exception to Rule 34, the dicta stating that if a concept exists, pornography has been produced about it, since no one, presumably, would want to watch an hour and a half of premature ejaculation and tearful masturbation.

Since the advent of the American Engineer meme in the early 1990s, internet forums have collaboratively invented scenes of this "lost" film, including the Plumber's flashbacks to the death of his mother during canal-side masturbation and a stunning finale in which a naked and anorgasmic Italian woman denounces the protagonist as a "ballerina with a voice like a broken theremin."

Shot on location in Rochester, New York, *An American Engineer in Venice* features a scene of plane grading that will make you blow your load.

See engineer, pornography, rule 34, virgin, hermaphrodite


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