What is An Bhfuil Cead Agam Dul Go Dtí An Leithreas?


Pronounced: On vuile kead agam dull guh dee aan leh-her-is

The only irish a person over 25 will remember after school

A Mhúinteoir! An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas?! *shifts in seat*

(cause we all used to wait until the very last second to ask can we go!)

In english: Teacher! lemme go to the feckin toilet before I burst!

See an, agam, go, can, i, to, the, toilet, in, irish, as, gaeilge, a


Pronounced: On vuile kead agam dull guh dee aan leh-her-is

The only irish a person over 25 will remember after school

A Mhúinteoir! An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas?! *shifts in seat*

(cause we all used to wait until the very last second to ask can we go!)

In english: Teacher! lemme go to the feckin toilet before I burst!

See an, agam, go, can, i, to, the, toilet, in, irish, as, gaeilge, a


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