
What is Anablog?


The old fashioned journal you wrote in with crushed tree pulp, binding, and maybe some kind of lock mechanism. For some reason people used to like writing opinions only they read. It is a fad past its prime but Borders still sells them for some reason.

"What is that odd rectangular shaped device you have in your lap that appears to be filled with blue lined 2 dimensional pieces of non-digital substance?"

"Oh this is just my anablog...I write it in to remember things and keep my private thoughts"

"I see, so how do you post it when you're done?"

See analog, blog, blogger, journal, online


A.K.A. "logblog" "log-blog."

Ancient personal storage device made with cream of wood.

My computer bag becomes incrementally heavier and less efficient depending on how many logblogs, p-books, or how much sheet-printed static media I choose to include. If it is my intention to inscribe (manually input data) upon any of these items, I must also decide which or how many (should I require RGBCMYK capabilities) delectronic styluses to carry as well.

Interesting fact: In order to include graphics in anablogs, images had to be located WITHOUT SEARCH ENGINES and glues or sticky tapes were required to physically adhere them to the "pages". Sometimes artistic talent was even used to MANUALLY HAND-BUILD images directly onto the media.

Inclusion of active or interactive video or audio content in an anablog was COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE!

See pen, pencil, stylus, electronic, p-book, blog, blogger, blogspot, myspace, xanga, journal, write, create, creative, publish, publisher, book, notebook, note, newspaper, magazine, secret, type, disclose, chat, diary


A contraction of the phrase "Analyst Blog". Specifically, a blog of someone who analyzes sectors of industry for the stock market. Someone turned to for informed opinions on a given subject, particularly subjects related to current events.

As Seen On YouTube:

"Tom writes an anablog on the alternative fuels sector and joins us by webcam from his office in North Carolina. Tom? How bad is it?"

See blog, blogger, blogosphere, web, analyst, business, industry, meme


Anorexic people's blogs. They blab about how fat they are and make us all feel bad about ourselves... or, do they?

someone's anablog: 'oh. my. god. I ate like, a carrot today. I mean, I'm never going to be 42 pounds if I keep this up!!!. I think all 72 pounds of me should die. I am so FAT! and so BAD! oh I think I'll go puke that carrot up.'

See anorexic, stupid, ugly, self-esteem, erm


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