
What is Ananias?

1. an-uh-nahy-uhs

-verb (used without object)

1. to waste or kill time; evade work or responsibility by talking to, or conversing with, a significant other (often fol. by around): He ananiased around till work was over.

-verb (used with object)

2. to act negligently or incompetently at work, esp. due to time being spent on the phone with a significant other: You really ananiased the job.


3. unintentional failure to notice or consider; lack of proper attention: Owing to my ananias, the culprit got away.

Related forms:, adverb

He is ananiasingly distracted at the moment.

See blunder, distracted


A guy whos fucks women when they are drunk.

That guy just pulled off a ananias on that white bitch.

See anus, panamanian


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