
What is Anarcho-capitalism?


From 'a' meaning 'without' and 'arch' meaning rulers plus capitalism. In other words capitalism without rulers. Rulers are taken as the state, whilst the term 'capitalism' included is taken to coincide with the liberal definition of capitalism as opposed to the Marxist one. That of freedom only finishing where the freedom of another is curtailed.

Anarcho-capitalism would be like now but without drug prohibition hence without drug gangs; without taxes hence without low wages and economic underperfomance; without the state hence without war.

See anarcho-capitalism, anarchism, capitalism, liberty, freedom, utopia, anarchocapitalism, liberalism, libertarianism


Anarcho-Capitalism is redundent in using the term "capitalism". With anarchy there is no government...hence no restrictions on capitalism. It's like saying Libertarian who loves freedom, or intelligent genius.

Anarcho-Capitalism promotes a stateless society, where people are unprotected from buying things they might actually want. Anarcho-Capitalism allows employers to pay employees whatever they want...but what's worse is it allows employees to actually accept any wage they want.

See capitalism, libertarianism, freedom, liberty, makes sense, Bucky O'Hare


Contradictory. Anarchists have always been opposed capitalism. End of story.

Anarcho-capitalism is just capitalism without any regulations. Basically, if we lived in such a system, it would be 10 times worse than what we have now.

See oxymoron, contradiction, anarcho, capitalism, bullshit


A misleading and oxymoronical term contrived by manipulative lassaiz-faire capitalists to draw uninformed, young, and rebellious youth into their ideology by applying the word "anarcho" to it.

Just because anarchism is actually about opposing ALL systems of hierarchy, it doesn't stop me from trying to use the word anarcho-capitalism to make me look hip and rebellious!

See anarchy, anarchism, anarcho-capitalism, capitalism, libertarian


An oxymoron. A capitalist society cannot be anarchist, simply because wealthequals power. Whenever someone gets rich, he gains power over others, thus effectively nullifying all principles anarchism is predicated upon.

Proponents of anarcho-capitalism and other right-wing libertarians only want the stateoff their backs so they can exploit the workers even more.


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