
What is Angela?


Small, short catlike person. Very easy to tease, but there's no reason to tease an Angela because they're very sweet. You can trust an Angela. Often, Angelas need a hug. Give your Angela a hug today.

Aww, isn't Angela a cute little chibi-poo! x3

Angela: STFU ]x*<

See small, chibi, sweet, huggable


a really beautiful and pretty girl that I love

Angela is sooooooooooooooooooo pretty!

See angela, love, awesome, beautiful, pretty


A desired human being who often pwns noobs at various video games including Dance Dance Revolution. Angela's also generally posses a large rear end. This rear end can be referred to as Laquisha.

Angela and her Laquisha pwnd at DDR last night. It was intense.

See angela, laquisha, buttercup, ddr


A person with amazing eyes who is pretty amazingly awesome. Why is she awesome? Just because, that's why.

Angela is my most favorite person because she is awesome.

See angela, angie, awesome, beautiful, ang


~ n. wild, unstable beacon of pent up sexual aggresion

That catholic nun over there burning her bra must be a real angela

See sex, prude, wild, angel, angela, sexual, aggressive


Super cool awesome funky loyal always there for you

That girl is such an Angela, I would love to hang with her!

See angel, angela, angie, ang


a) Petite, hazel eyed young lady with a lovely smile and lovely body, who is nice to everyone she meets.

b) An amazing girlfriend

c) Pure sexiness in female form

Aidan: Wow Alex your girlfriend is well sexy and shes really nice too

Alex: I know, shes an Angela

Aidan: Get in

See angela, eyes, lady, sexy, smile


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