Anh Huynh

What is Anh Huynh?



1. great, powerful, strong.

2. that which inspires fear or reverence.

3. reference to all things that are excellent.


1. inspiring greatness, power and strength.

Origin: 1980 - A village on the southern coast of Vietnam

—Synonyms 1. Pro, Gosu, Master, Sifu, Chuck Norris.

-Antonyms 1. Vi Dinh, Betty Pham, Noob.

1. What you did is beyond awesome, beyond excellent, it's simply Anh Huynh.

2. I wish I was more like Anh Huynh.

3. Chuck Norris wants to be Anh Huynh.

See anh, huynh, pro, gosu, sifu, master, chuck, norris


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