
What is Anime?


noun: a style of animation that originated and is still heavily centered in Japan.

The word 'anime' is based on the original japanese pronunciation of the american word 'animation.'

The stereotype of the anime style are characters with proportionally large eyes and hair styles and colors that are very colorful and exotic. The plots range from very immature (kiddy stuff), through teenage level, to mature (violence, content, thick plot). The classification of 'hentai' is given to animes of a stong sexual nature.

Although over 95% of anime has nothing perverted about it, most closed-minded idiots think anime is always a form of pronography.

Although most people stop watching 'cartoons' in their early teens, there are 'animes' for all age groups.


1. Japanese animation.

2. Yet another thing that americans managed to completely fuck up, resulting in poor translations, unnecessary censorship, horrible dubbing, and people who don't know any better hating Japan for it.

Cartoon Network and 4Kids are mostly responsible for the godawful anime that plays in the US.

See japanese, animation, dubbing, dub, 4kids


Anime means "animation" in Japanese.

If you came here to see me call anime:

cartoon porn which is hentai, wannabe white person cartoons, or a nerds favorite hobby, then just give me the thumbs down already because my definition is precise.

Anime is a form of Japanese cartooning which either televised or on DVD or video. The comic books are called manga. Yes, there is a very big difference. If you walk into Borders/Barnes and Noble/etc. and ask for Anime, you will be sent to the DVD section. Shojo is a girl's type of anime (stories of love, achieving dreams and the type) while shonen is the boys type (wars, samuri, card battles etc.)Usually anime is much deeper than the average American cartoons. It can be funny, tragic, romantic, adventurous, sci fi and more. Stereotypical ideas: Nerds and geeks are not the only people who like anime. Not all aniime has the big twinkly eyes and extremely out of proportioned heads. It is NOT porn. See hentai. It is NOT only for kids.

Cartoon Networks's Adult swim has lots of Anime, like Witch Hunter Robin, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, .hack//sign, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro and more.


Japanese animation not porn. Anime porn is called hentai.

joe love to watch anime on cartoon network

See John


A style of Japanese animation that is very popular today, in America and France as well as Japan. Many people think of anime as 'cartoons' but the words have very different implications. Anime can be anything from kid's stuff like we have in America to deep plots far beyond anything a child could understand to porn. There's love stories, hate stories, everything you could find in live TV.

Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, and Naruto are some very popular anime series out in America.


The Japanese term for animation. And just because something's animated doesn't mean it's automatically targeted at children so they can become corrupted by it. American companies usually butcher the dubbed version so they can make the ones that weren't intended for kids all TV-Y rated. Most anime takes on more mature themes and sometimes sexual content for those people who are into that.

Stereotypical anime characters, usually the younger female ones, have large eyes (to portray innocence, I guess). But not all of them do. Sometimes they have crazy hair and crazy outfits and crazy actions. The voices are high because I guess Japanese people tend to have higher voices than Americans.

The people who watch anime aren't always those stereotypical geek/nerd/dork or whatever you wanna call them. Sometimes the people who do watch anime or read manga (Jap. comics) can get a little too into the culture, but hey, whatever.

Anime's awesome.


Japanese animation that normally is based on mangas. Anime is a genre of movies that can be anything from kids tv shows to sci fi's and action movies. I generaly like anime styled characters over western styled characters. I don't care for most animes that make it onto U.S. network tv.

I never liked animes like DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh, or Poke'mon. I really went crazy for animes like Hellsing, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Excel Saga, FLCL, and Steel Angel Kurumi.


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