Anime Girl

What is Anime Girl?


A girl. That is an anime fan.

Why these definitions say that they're preppy I'll never know.


See anime, girl, anime fan, fandom, fangirl


greasy and most likly dyed hair.

talks about nothing but anime, manga, and japan, listens to J-pop and dressed either preppy japanese school girl or cosplays most of the tme. girls who go to anime-cons and dance hare hare yukai, lucky star, caramelldansen ect. who learn japanese and use it on a daily bases. draw anime and put ":3" when typing places.

I myself am a very big anime girl, obssesed and need more japan! being otaku is fairly fun, not worrying about what people think is that best part, just being a stupid little girl all day and loving it~!

leik omg becka look at that dork over there, shes like, so not kool with her cartoons.

HEY BITCH IT'S NOT A CARTOON!! it's anime, and im an anime girl. thank you spankin muchly


See anime, manga, japan, otaku


Any girl who talks about nothing but anime, spends half of her life on the computer, and puts little ASCII kitty faces at the end of all her IM or forum posts. <b>Not all girls who like anime are anime girls, though.</b> Anime girls usually dress either preppy, like a Japanese schoolgirl, or their mom picks out all their clothes.

If you have ever shopped in Hot Topic, relax, you're not an anime girl.

Dude, look at Susie over there, she's wearing a shirt with a Japanese character on it, and she's, like, reading three mangas at once. She's such an anime girl.

Dude, don't let her hear you call her Susie, she prefers to be called "Utada." *snicker*

See gamer, girl gamer, otaku, wapanese, uber pro gamer


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