Anita Blake

What is Anita Blake?


A tough as nails vampire hunter that used to be cool until her author started using her to "Mary Sue" out her own bizarro sexual fetishes.

Those Anita Blake books were alright, until Laurell Hamilton started putting in chapter-long episodes of werewolf sex.

See anita, blake, hamilton


Mean Tempered, sexy, and down to earth vampire slayer from the anita Blake Vampire hunter novels by L.k. Hamilton.

" They where treating me like i was a very dangerous person. At five-three I am not imposing. Raise the dead, kill a few vampires, and people start considering you one of the monsters..."- Anita Blake, 'The laughing Corpse." Book three of the Anita Blake vampire books.


A kickass vampire slayer from the Laurell K. Hamilton books. She dates a vamp... but that doesn't mean that she can't kill 'em! Sleeps with a stuffed penguin and a Browning handgun. Works for Animators Inc. and the Police.

"She's kickass!"

"She sleeps with what she kills."


See Crimson


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