
What is Annmarie?


1. A very caring and strong woman whom is very intelligent. Capable of great things but is sometimes easily distracted by new and interesting ideas. Often used to describe very active and busy women with fantastic lives.

"Hey, you see that cute girl over there?"

"How could I not? She's an Annmarie!"

See annmarie, marie, ann, woman, lady


The hottest, girl in the world. Always there for you, when you need her. Very popular, and well known. Great smile, and eyes. Who the boys always die for.

That girl is definitly an annmarie.

boy 1: Damn, thats an annmarie, i want her.

boy 2: i want her.

boy 1 : lets fight ! i want her.

See hot, cute, sexy, funny, gorgeous, adorable


This is the common name giving to a girl, rather then using her real name, similar to Jane Doe, or when people say he's an average Joe. Except this is no average girl. This term is used to describe a girl with a gaping vagina. These girls are the reasons for the XXXL tampons.

"Check out that bitch, she a straight up annmarie."

See ann, annmarie, marie


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