Anorexic Whale

What is Anorexic Whale?


Someone who is so fat, that they can be compared to a skinny whale.

"Look how fat that kid his."

"Ya, he's so fat, that he's an anorexic whale!"

See anorexic, anorexia, whale, dolphin, sexy, sex


Someone who is so skinny, they can be compared to a whale as an opposite, thus the use of the word anorexic.

Seeming to be opposites, that's what they describe, someone so skinny they are as skinny as a whale is huge.

Apples: You never bring a lunch, you never eat anything, and you weigh forty pounds! Eat you anorexic whale!

Berries: Umm. I weigh 44 pounds

See anorexic, whale, skinny, fat


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